Nutritional Product - Descriptions


Promotes the reestablishment of growth in young animals and fattening. Restoration of fertility and improvement of milk production.

Pack Sizes

100 mL


This is rumen protected fat made from palm oil, indicated for use in diets of high producing dairy animals. It by-passes the rumen hence absorbed into the intestines.

Pack Sizes

1 kg, 20 kg


Livestock salt especially formulated with added trace minerals for all livestock.

Pack Sizes

50 kg


Through the provision of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, Amino Vital solution is a useful aid for addressing vitamin and mineral deficiencies which impact growth, health and immune response.

For sheep, goats, calves and all young animals:
Amino-vital Solution helps alleviate the symptoms of stress associated with transportation, infection, change in diet, parasitic infestation and convalescence. It increases resistance to infection in the early days of life by providing essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

For growing and adult animals:
Amino-vital Solution alleviates growth problems, nervous disorders and skin conditions.

For poultry:
Amino-vital Solution combats vitamin deficiencies in the diet during convalescence following viral and bacterial infections. It increases resistance to infection in times of disease and when under stress.

In Layers: 
Amino-vital Solution assists with the restoration and improvement in egg production and improved food conversion

Pack Sizes

120 mL, 250 mL, 1 L


It is indicated as a support in the treatment of weakened animals as a result of severe dehydration caused by diarrhea and other pathologies; it helps to restore the electrolyte, energy and protein balance associated with these conditions. It is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of convalescent animals and in recovery from digestive problems, and in those cases where there is excessive loss of proteins (postpartum hemorrhage) and electrolyte imbalance.

Pack Sizes

500 mL


Indicated for general poisoning ‚- of food or drug origin ‚- and also as an aid in the treatment of photosensitization caused by toxins from fungi found in certain pastures (mainly Brachiaria decumbens) and by toxic plants in general. Also indicated for poisoning by tick or insecticides, mainly organophosphates. As a supportive treatment for infectious or spoliative diseases, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Acts as a reinforcement against stress conditions (transportation, exhibitions, weaning and beginning of artificial nursing), providing a quick recovery of weakened animals.

Pack Sizes

100 mL



BACA Mineral is used in the prepartum period.

Composed of anionic salts and a daily mineral, it is useful in the prevention of phospho-calcic disorders in parturient cows on farms where the mineralization of dry cows is not ensured.

It is recommended to use it several consecutive weeks before giving birth, as part of a complete diet.

Pack Sizes

25 g


Nutritional objective: Stabilization of the balance of electrolytes and water in order to facilitate physiological digestion.

Bicaman is recommended in case of risk of digestive disorders (diarrhea), during and after these.

Pack Sizes

Box of 20 sachets of 40 g


Bimeda Milk Block is an excellent nutritional supplement that provides high Calcium requirements for both pregnant and lactating cows. It is the best choice for all young animals as they contribute to Healthy and Strong Bone formationand also contribute to Strong Bones Structure formation.

Pack Sizes

3 kg, 5 kg


Bimestimul helps stimulate hepato-digestive activity.

Pack Sizes

500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg


BIOGREEN can be used during critical periods of production that result in an abnormal energy usage which may affect water and feed intake and/or impair anabolic and metabolic functions. Stress periods such as Start-up, start and peak of laying, diseases, feed transition, post-vaccination stress, transport, handling, debeaking, Intoxication, crowding, heat stress, etc.

Pack Sizes

1 L


Dietary mineral feed for cattle, sheep and goats

Nutritional objective: Reduction of the risk of acidosis

Ruminal acidosis is often the consequence of a deficit in coarse fiber, water and saliva. Additionally, highly fermentable foods such as excess grains or dietary molasses can contribute to the state of acidosis. After analysis and by correcting the elements of the ration, it is possible to provide Biorumen Plus to reduce the risk of acidosis. Especially for high-producing dairy cows and intensively fed fattening beef cattle.

Pack Sizes

Box of 10 sachets of 125 g, Box of 30 sachets of 125 g


Bovargil is used during periods of transition or stress, to support animals during associated digestive disturbances.

Composed mainly of clay and vitamin C, it is useful in the prevention of digestive disorders in young or adult ruminants.

It can be used before, during or after the risk period.

Pack Sizes

Box of 8 sachets of 500 g, 5kg


Adjuvant in the treatment of hypocalcemia (milk fever), hypomagnesemia (meadow tetany), hypokalemia and hypoglycemia, poisoning, indicated in nerve conduction disorders and weakness in uterine contractions.

Pack Sizes

500ml bottle


As a source of calcium for cattle, sheep and pigs, to aid in the treatment of hypocalcemia, e.g., milk fever in cattle.

Pack Sizes

500 mL


Cap Calcium is intended to be used to reduce the risk of milk fever in dairy cows.

Pack Sizes

24 boluses


Capsel bolus is used in dairy and lactating cows, in preparation for key moments for their performance:

  • In preparation for parturition
  • When drying up
  • At the start of reproduction
  • When putting out to grass
  • In case of high production
  • During high individual needs

Pack Sizes

20 boluses


Nutritional objective: Prevention of nutritional imbalances in transition diets

Capvo’Mag Flash helps meet a temporary additional need for magnesium, trace elements and vitamins, before, during and after particularly demanding performance periods.

Pack Sizes

15 boluses


Nutritional objective: Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Capvo’Mag LA is used in breeding calves for a prolonged supply of magnesium, iodine, selenium and vitamins A, D3, E, essential elements at key moments for their performance:

  • Putting out to grass
  • Supporting growth
  • Immune support

Combining magnesium with iodine and selenium, Capvo’Mag LA provides these complementary elements for almost three weeks.

Also containing vitamins A, D3 and E, it is a small complete bolus, ideal for growing calves.

Its formulation allows release over time to support the calf throughout the period it needs it.

Pack Sizes

15 boluses, 50 boluses


60ml of Convital R should be supplemented to the normal feed ration of horses to provide vitamins, minerals and trace elements which support the immune system and health of horses. 30ml of Convital R should be added to the normal feed ration of ponies.

Pack Sizes

4.5 L


For prevention and treatment of copper and selenium deficiencies and for improvement of cobalt supply. 

Pack Sizes

20 boluses


For the supply of ionic copper, ionic cobalt and selenium to lambs at a controlled and constant rate, for up to six months.

Pack Sizes

50 boluses


For the supply of ionic copper, ionic cobalt and selenium to sheep at a controlled and constant rate, for up to eight months.

Pack Sizes

50 boluses


For use in areas of copper, iodine and selenium deficiencies and for the improvement of cobalt supply. CoseIcure supplements the diet of calves with the nutritionally essential trace elements of copper, selenium, iodine and cobalt through the early growing stages.

Pack Sizes

1 box of 50 boluses


For the supply of copper, cobalt, selenium and iodine in cattle. The bolus supplies these trace elements at a controlled and constant rate for up to 6 months.

Pack Sizes

20 boluses


For the supply of ionic copper, ionic cobalt, iodine and selenium to sheep at a controlled and constant rate, for up to eight months.

Pack Sizes

50 boluses


This is a concentrated blend of minerals and vitamins designed for the dairy animal for a high milk production regime. The inclusion rate is 1 kg per tonne of feed

Pack Sizes

24 kg, 25 kg


As an aid in the treatment of glucose deficiencies in cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and in the treatment of acetonemia (ketosis) in cattle and pregnancy disease in sheep.

Pack Sizes

500 mL


For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in newborn piglets.

Pack Sizes

100 mL


For the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in newborn piglets.

Pack Sizes

100 mL


For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in cattle and pigs, especially in newborn piglets, providing accelerated growth and faster fattening. Newborn animals have a limited reserve of iron in the body and breast milk is a very poor source of this mineral. The use of carbohydrate-iron complexes has been used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia and preventive treatment with iron-dextran is indicated as effective, and should be used routinely in young piglets.

Fertal is administered with the purpose of meeting the iron needs of animals, especially pigs during the first 3 weeks of life, preventing the occurrence of hypochronic or iron deficiency or microcytic anemia. Anemia is manifested by labored breathing (explained by the low hemoglobin content in red blood cells), discoloration of visible mucous membranes and skin, diarrhea, and high mortality due to secondary infections.

Pack Sizes

100 mL


Grower premix is indicated for for the fast growing chick towards maturity between 8 weeks and 4½ months of age at an inclusion rate of 2kg per ton of feed.

Pack Sizes

20 kg, 25 kg


To support growth and the production of a high volume of high quality eggs.

Pack Sizes

20 kg, 24 kg


For the treatment of hypocalcemia and to increase blood magnesium levels.

Pack Sizes

100 mL


Multivitamin Injection is indicated in the prevention and treatment of Vitamin deficiencies in horses, cattle, sheep and goats, particularly during periods of illnes, convalescence and general unthriftiness.

Pack Sizes

50 mL, 100 mL


Dietetic mineral feed for dairy cows

Nutritional objective: Reduced risk of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcemia

Pack Sizes

20 kg


Daily mineral feed for adult horses

Pack Sizes

5 kg, 20 kg


Complementary mineral feed for adult horses

Daily mineral, with balanced mineral ratios in favor of the integuments and epithelia.

Pack Sizes

5 kg, 20 kg


Daily mineral, with mineral balances in favor of the gestation and growth of the foal.

Pack Sizes

5 kg


Complementary feed for adult horses

The action of vitamin E consists of donating a hydrogen atom to free radicals which thus protect cell membranes.

Vitamin E supplementation therefore has a protective action on all of the body's cells.

Pack Sizes

1 L


Dietetic feed for dairy cows, sheep and goats

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

5 L, 20 L


Octavo is used for providing vitamins, minerals and energy forms to calves

Pack Sizes

40x15 mL


Complementary feed for dairy cows

OD-B12 is used to support ruminal function and areas impacted by its dysfunction (digestive, reproductive, etc.)

Pack Sizes

9 sachets of 300g, 5 kg


Complete milk replacer for young calves

Pack Sizes

8 sachets of 300g, 3 kg, 5kg


Mineral feed for dairy cows

OD-Drench ISC is used on cows after calving or during convalescence.

Sachet rich in electrolytes and negative BACA, it can be used in digestive disorders of ruminal origin.

Pack Sizes

10 sachets of 500 g


Complementary feed for dairy cows

Source of potassium

Pack Sizes

4 bottles of 500 mL, 2 L


Dietetic feed for dairy cows and sheep

Nutritional objective: Reduction of the risk of ketosis

Pack Sizes

20 kg


Complementary feed for ruminants

Nutritional objective: Reduction of the risk of ketosis

Pack Sizes

2 L, 5 L, 20 L


Ideal for use in cows with, or at risk of, milk fever (parturient paresis).

Pack Sizes

500 mL


Complementary feed for dairy cows, sheep and goats

OD-NEFA is used to support energy function and areas impacted by its dysfunction (lipid, hepatic metabolism, etc.).

Pack Sizes

9 sachets of 100 g


Mineral feed for dairy cows, sheep and goats

To be distributed from birth in animals with a body condition score considered too high and in animals losing condition.

Pack Sizes

5 kg


Complementary feed for breeding calves under 4 months old.

Pack Sizes

12 syringes


Complementary feed for dairy cows, goats and sheep

Oral solution containing macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) useful for smooth muscle tone.

Can be used in preparation or after farrowing depending on the problem.

Pack Sizes

4 bottles of 500 mL, 2 L, 5 L


Dietary mineral feed for lactating cows

Nutritional objective :Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

10 kg, 20 kg


Dietetic mineral feed for cattle, sheep and goats

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

10 kg


Dietary mineral feed for dairy cows and dairy goats

Nutritional objective : prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

10 kg, 20 kg


Mineral supplementary feed for dairy sheep and goats

Olixium Ovicap is used in dairy sheep and goats, ahead of key moments for their performance

Pack Sizes

10 kg


Dietetic mineral feed for cattle, sheep and goats

Nutritional objective :Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

10 kg


Dietetic mineral feed for suckler and dairy cows

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

15 kg


Dietary mineral feed for lactating cows

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Pack Sizes

10 kg, 20 kg


Dietetic mineral feed for cattle, sheep and goats

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Zinc is a trace element of importance in epithelial integrity, cellular regeneration and the antioxidant system.

Can be used in cases of heightened needs or diagnosed deficit.

Pack Sizes

10 kg


Dietetic mineral feed for breeding calves

Nutritional objective : Prolonged intake of trace elements and/or vitamins in grazing animals

Oroseliod LA is used in breeding calves for a prolonged supply of iodine and selenium, useful at key moments for their performance.

Pack Sizes

25 boluses of 10g


For the health of young pigs and sows, due to the maximum bio-availability of the nutrients in the premix.

Pack Sizes

24 kg, 25 kg


For the treatment of cerebrocortical necrosis in cattle and sheep and as an adjunct in metabolic disorders in cattle.

Pack Sizes

50 mL


Indicated for cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. In the therapy for the treatment or prevention of diseases and disorders associated with deficiencies of vitamins A, D and E in times where access to these vitamins is scarce, where there are poor nutritional conditions, reproduction, growth and states of convalescence due to diseases. As a supplement in the management of cattle intended for growth and fattening.

Pack Sizes

100 ml bottle, 500 ml bottle


For use in areas of zinc, iodine and selenium deficiencies and for the improvement of cobalt supply.

Pack Sizes

50 boluses


VITLYTE-PLUS® is recommended for use in corrals (weight bearings, positioning balls, reproductive pads, pads and pads) in all stages, for periods of time and/or with exposure to high temperatures, also for assistance. in the maintenance of production and control of dehydration.

Coadyuvante in the recovery of infections that can be presented in these cases.

Pack Sizes

1 kg

Bimeda® Animal Health Limited

2, 3 & 4 Airton Close, Airton Road,
Tallaght, Dublin 24,
D24 FH9V

Phone: +353 (0) 1466 7900

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